Seafood Industry Directory -
1. Only 1 listing per category, per company. Your listing will
appear in the country of your Head Office.
of Sea-Ex can have their company listed in up to 5 countries where they have
Note: You will have a listing on each of the species or
products pages for each specie or product.
2. Only listings with a valid email address will be placed in the
3. Sea-Ex reserves the right to decline any listing request.
4. CHECK YOUR INFORMATION - We do not edit or correct mistakes.
5. Entries submitted in UPPER CASE only are DELETED.
6. Sea-Ex reserves the right to delete any company from the directory at
any time
without explanation.
7. Any complaints regarding your company about non supply of product or
will result in your company being removed immediately
from our directory - no refund
of payment will be issued for a paid listing or
Membership will be given to these companies.
Due to the huge number of requests for listings (and the fact that we manually
add and SEO each company page), the delay in adding is currently around 5 to 6
weeks. If you would like a listing faster than this (usually 24 hours from
payment), please become a Member of Sea-Ex (from $75 per year).
Here for Details.